Qualifications and Experience
2021 - Current Bedfordshire Hospitals Trust
I started as a Band 5 junior MSK physiotherapist and progressing to a Senior Physiotherapist within a year. I see many orthopaedic conditions due to referrals from A&E and orthopaedic consultants. I have seen a vast amount of traumatic injuries requiring surgery and metal work, pre/post ACL and meniscus surgeries, and total hip and knee replacements. We also have referrals from Rhuematology with patients that require support with inflammatory conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis. Finally we also recieve paediatric referrals with children and young teenagers suffering with flat feet, scoliosis, tip toe walking and many other conditions.
2020 - 2023 Perfect Balance Clinic
Physiotherapist assessing and treating many different conditions from sporting injuries through to patients suffering with chronic and recurrant pain. I provided sports massage, strengthing and gym programmes, and gait analysis.
2017-2020 Brunel University
Physiotherapy BSc First Class Honours
6 months experience as a physiotherapy assistant at Harefield Hospital
2013 - 2017 Loughborough University
Sport and Exercise Health Sciences BSc
Sport Massage Diploma Level 3